Online Stats Manager
All of the statistics that you might want in a single place

From the Octopus Hosting Site Control Panel, you’ll have actual time access to the hosting resources utilized by your web sites as well as the site traffic that’s generated from your customers. The information is brought to you in a straightforward graphical interface, on a per–day, weekly and per–month basis. Also, you will see information about our system such as the physical IP address of the hosting server, the OS, the now used versions of PHP and MySQL and many more.
Server Data
Look at the server’s OS, IP address, and so on.
From the Online Stats Manager area of the Site Control Panel, you’ll get live info on the hosting server such as the Operating System that is utilized as well as the physical IP address of your web hosting account. Additionally, you can find very helpful facts for your web design undertakings including the latest versions of PHP, MySQL and Perl, along with the installed Perl modules. Mailing server data like the sendmail path as well as the incoming and outbound maill servers is also included.
All of the hosting server data is delivered in an easily readable fashion so you can locate the facts you may need.
Access & Error Stats
Understand how people interact with your web site
In the Access & Error Logs area of the Octopus Hosting Site Control Panel, you can easily activate and check the access and error stats for the sites hosted inside your hosting account. The access log is a list of the files featured on your web page (including text files, image files, video files, etcetera) that readers have asked to watch.
The error log is actually a collection of all of the caution and error notifications connected to your website. It helps you avoid any kind of potential problems with the web site’s overall performance.
Website Traffic Stats
See the traffic to your site in great detail
Via the web stats applications incorporated into the Octopus Hosting Site Control Panel, it’s possible to keep an eye on the viewers on your website in a great detail. You can select among two popular stats tool – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which provide you with in–depth information about the viewers to your web site and also the website content they view on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
There is no need to arrange anything beforehand to have website traffic data for your websites. In the Web Traffic Statistics area of your Site Control Panel, just simply open up the data list for a chosen website and get hold of the data you need for your marketing and advertising campaigns.
CPU Stats
Observe your sites’ CPU load
The CPU statistics bundled in your Site Control Panel will offer you real time info of the server load that’s accumulated in your hosting account from your applications, database queries, etcetera. Therefore, the more dynamic and complex your site is, the more server resources it may need to be running smoothly.
The server load details are introduced in an easily readable fashion and offers you details about the server load accumulated per day, per month or each year. This accurate info can keep you updated about the server power use at virtually any minute and can help you prevent your websites from getting offline as a result of server overload (reached server power consumption limitations).