Boost your web site by getting a US Semi-dedicated Server.

If you feel that your cloud hosting account is not anymore an adequate solution for your own web presence, however a dedicated server is too expensive and too difficult to manage, you can make use of our US semi–dedicated servers.

A semi-dedicated server is really a one of a kind blend between a hosting account and a dedicated server , which supplies the best of the two worlds. It offers the the effectiveness of a dedicated server (minus the regular server management duties), wrapped in a point–and–click Site Control Panel that is included with all of our cloud hosting plans when you sign up.

And because of their uniqueness, our semi–dedicated servers are available only within the US data center. It was actually the very first data center where we were in a position to deploy our custom cloud hosting platform plus it features unparalleled power and cooling solutions. We also have built a customized internal network based upon enterprise–class Juniper routers and switches. This is how we can guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all our US Semi-dedicated Servers

One of the many advantages of our USA–based semi–dedicated servers certainly is the Octopus Hosting Site Control Panel. It is featured cost–free with all semi–dedicated servers and is meant to be running in the cloud. By doing this, we spare your server from needing to power the Control Panel and also your websites at the same time. You can utilize the whole server power only for your web sites. In addition, the Site Control Panel is filled with free tools and extra features , which can speed up your web site.

Other US Hosting Services

The US data center features a number of web hosting choice for all customers with respect to the sites and the web applications they need to accommodate. With us you will find US Hosting for everyone who desires to host a personal blog, portfolio or maybe an e–shop. Our cloud hosting packages have a 99.9% network uptime guarantee as well as a academy domain name for just $40.99. If you wish to create a development environment or you do must have additional resource quotas for your online presence, then you could pick our US VPS Servers. Our Virtual Private Servers feature a selection of Control Panels and have very quick NVMes. Whenever you need a brand new home for a really popular website or perhaps a very CPU–intensive web app, you’ll be able to select each of our US Dedicated Servers. They boast reliable hardware components and offer a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.